I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted on here. Life has a habit of getting in the way of the things we wish to do. Our life has been very hectic over the past couple of months...............both DH and I have had our fair share of health problems. He had an operation on the 4th of March and caught an infection which didn't help his recovery. Very unusual for him I think up to the middle of April he had spent more time off work than he has for the past 27yrs!! He still isn't 100% but the Dr's are keeping an eye on him and monitoring his health. We can't say his operation was a success as he doesn't feel any benefit at this present time. We're hoping for a better time ahead. The Dr's in their wisdom have placed on an oral medication to try and stop me having so many Angina attacks, the side effects are pretty much the same as the GNT spray, tremendous headaches, however these are starting to decrease as time goes on. Plus the attacks are getting fewer. We had more sad news tonight another friend of ours has passed away. Sadly her daughter died a few weeks ago and they were very close. Both were disabled and were dependent on wheelchair's to get around. Many peoples lives will be empty without them around. On a lighter note one of our DIL's has had a promotion at work with an increase in salary which is very helpful when you have 2 growing children. Their lawsuit against the driver who pulled out in front of them and caused a horrendous accident 4yrs ago looks to be finally going to court. Both our son and his wife still suffer from their injuries and only by the Grace of God survived the crash. One of our grandsons Sam who is almost 8yrs old has started going to swimming classes with the school and is very proud of his achievements so far. See pic, although he only needs the scarf flying out from the side to look like the famous Biggles!! Stitching wise I have managed to complete my Chatelaine Mystery VII, I will upload a pic as soon as I can. Also my band sampler RR came home this week , which I'm thrilled with. I have stitched the initials of the ladies who kindly stitched on it for me, I'll post a pic of that also when I can. I still have plenty of WIP's to work my way through, I purchased the materials pack for the conversion of L&L_Celtic Noel, this is beautiful. I think I may stitch it on a Silkweaver fabric instead of the recommended white evenweave. I shall post a progress report if I decide to start it. Well it is almost 1:15am here and I'm tired so I'm off to bed, hopefully to sleep and start a new day tomorrow. Good night one and all. Blondieuk