Gosh what a long time since I chatted to you, I've not been to well so have not been online much. More medication added to the already long daily dosage so hopefully will feel a lot better soon.
Don't forget to pop over to the biggest blog party on the net just click on the link on my side bar and visit a few new blogs and get to know some new friends.
I thought you'd like to see the above pics, the one with my Grandson James was taken at Christmas, he was actually trying to get a toy from under the sideboard when Zebedee decided he would make a great perch! The laughter was so spontanious I couldn't resist taking the shot.
The one of Zeb & Paddington speaks for itself really, I caught Paddington parceling Zeb up after a stressful day, I think Pads was hoping he'd get him in the post before I realised he was gone :o))
What's been happening here in my neck of the woods, well Neil didn't get any climbing in whilst in Scotland the weather wasn't good climbing weather. He was able to get some hill walking in which isn't really his bag but at least he got to spend some time relaxing with his friends.
I was able to get quite a bit of stitching and knitting in whilst on my own, I've finished 1 of the socks I showed you in my last post, I just have the button band to knit for a long waistcoat I've knit up and have finished a sampler by Indidgo Rose called Lilacs & Amethysts. I think I'll be framing this one, it's to big for a pinkeep and because it has beads included I'm not really wanting to make it into a pillow/cushion. I'll try and get photos posted tomorrow.
I spent a wonderful time with my eldest son Paul on Wednesday, sometimes I feel the need to talk to him or see him to assure myself he really is recovering from his accident. I can't explain the feelings I get, a friend said it's possibly post traumatic stress, she says mothers tend to go into auto pilot at times like that and it doesn't hit us until all calms down. He is doing well and I'm so proud of how far he has come, it may even be next year before they even start to conside him doing work of some kind but hey as long as he's still with us I don't care. He's very faithful in his physio and excersise, I know in his heart he would love to get back on a motorbike but this will just not be possible but he is driving a car although they had to buy an automatic.
Our grandaughter Ellice is growing up, she was 13 last June and went into town with some friends on Saturday shopping, Paul and I were talking about how when he and his siblings were that age it was safe for them to be away from home but how it has all changed now. He admitted it wasn't going to be easy to let her go but they would have to start somewhere and she hadn't done anything to be grounded for so he couldn't use that as an excuse :o). I got to spend some time with my other grandaughter Molly who has the funniest, sweetest nature you could wish for, she's a delight to be with.
My sister and I took Mum to the Audio unit at our local health clinic a couple of wks ago, she was having trouble with her hearing aid. I can't take her anywhere, she was flirting with the young chap who was looking after her, she had the other people in stitches with her antics. Looking at her she looks so fragile but her character is so strong and if my sense of humour lasts as long as hers I'll be happy.
Our weather has been full range and back again, today has been mild with some sun, tonight we're back to strong gales which I know is going to knock fences down. It's lashing with rain also, our garden is a bit of a quogmire which the dogs delight in, they really enjoy being caked in mud!
Take care
hugs Peg