Gosh life has been so busy here the past few months, Neil has been quite ill, he went on a weeks school trip to Northumberland, phoned me the first night not feeling well. He deteriorated during the week, I offered to go and fetch him home but he's a man so said he'd stay the week out! This led to almost 2 wks off work with a severe chest infection and fluid on his lungs. I'm pleased to say he does feel a lot better now but gets tired very quickly. School breaks up this Friday but he has builders in so can't take any time off next week.
Some good news............We have managed to book a weeks holiday in Cumbria, I didn't think we'd be able to get away, couldn't ask anyone to take 4 dogs for the week :o) but we've found a place where we can take the Shiddies. Deeber won't be coming with us, she's getting old and isn't well a lot of the time so my sister is coming to stay for the week and they'll have a girlie week together. She adores Julie so is probably not going to miss her Mum. We're away 4th - 11th August, I've never been to Cumbria or the Lakes so am really looking forward to it. The cottage is on a working farm just outside Brampton so we're in short travelling distance for the Lakes and the bottom of Scotland.
Our other good news is we are adding to our furry family, I've been looking for a while for another little girl to add to our family, I was hoping to adopt one who came into rescue with another girl but the rescue understandably want to home them together as they've bonded, I think they were kennel mates. I would happily add another 2 but dh would probably have a relapse so I continued to look.
A beautiful little girl came into the same rescue I had Megan from last yr, she's not a Shiddie but a Lhaso Apso and she's gorgeous!! I saw her and just fell in love with her. She hasn't been mistreated, her owner is a registered breeder who is having to retire through ill health. She is 2 1/2yrs old and I'm just waiting to hear when I can collect her. She's been spayed today so will need a few days to recover. Hopefully her pic will appear here:

Her name is Georgia and Eileen says the pic doesn't do her justice, I'm so excited and can't wait to get her home. I'll fill you in more on her when she's with us.
Our other little munchkins are thriving, Zebedee is improving a lot but occasionally relapses into his old ways and tries to amputate a finger or two from my hands. He's still not letting me near his face so at the moment we can't see his eyes and he can't see us very well either. I don't want to put him through a general anaesthetic again so am working on getting him to trust me to brush him and getting through lots of sausage treats.
Paul is continuing to improve, the Dr's aren't wanting him to go back to work yet, when he does they've recommended just going for a couple of hrs perhaps twice a week, it will also depend on what his work place can set up for him. He's no longer able to do his old job. It was a bit of an emotional time when the anniversary of his accident came around and I thank God daily for letting him stay with us. His determination is amazing.
The rest of the family are doing fine, Craig took his family to London last weekend, Jacob wanted to go to the Star Wars exhibition, he loves Star wars. Laura is due back from Thailand, she's been with her friends family.
Paul's girls have both been away, Ellice to France with the school and Molly went on her first school sleep over trip to an outdoor pursuits here in Derbyshire.
James has done really well in his business studies exam and has spent a week on work experience working with his Dad, he's off to Turkey on holiday with his Aunt soon.
Lesley, Andrew and Sam are all going away in August.
Mum is doing well most of the time but is getting forgetful, because I don't see her everyday now she looks a lot older each time. Her wit though is still as sharp :o)
I'm plodding on with good days and bad days. Thankfully we weren't affected by the floods as were some friends of ours. Sadly they both have had to move out of their homes and it will probably be Christmas or the new year before they can return.
I'll update my stitching news in another post so I can add some pictures.
Thanks for visiting and reading
take care
Hugs Peg