A few days ago I saw this beautiful finish on Sallys blog if you scroll down you'll see the georgous finish AND as you make your way down you'll see her treasures she's been stitching on since this finish. I'm sure I saw smoking needles over Yorkshire last night LOL. Sally offered the chart and remaining supplies for sale and I couldn't resist it. I hope I have as lovely finish

as she has.
I bought a few quilting books from Amazon and 1 from ebay they arrived the other day and I forgot to post pics.

Below is an update of my Prairie Schooler Winter sampler, I'm really enjoying stitching this and hope to finish it this week. I'm having a tv evening so will be stitching on it whilst chilling.
Take care

On the left side of my blog you will see a new button, TUSAL, this is a fun project of placing all your orts and little bits that usually end up on the floor around us when stitching in a jar or vessel of any kind as long as it's see through. It's amazing how much you have in a short time, the participants post photos every month of their jars. Should you wish to join in the fun please click on the button and it'll take you through to the sign up page. Go on you know you want to. :o)
I've managed to get an appointment with my dr for next Monday to see if I can see another consultant surgeon for a second opinion. The pain is reducing slightly if I'm careful and don't over do it so hopefully I can begin to benefit from the op.
Take care