Well we awoke this morning to beautiful sunshine, its been a lovely day. I didn't sleep well again last night so this afternoon I went for a rest on the bed, 2 hrs later I woke up to the noise of rain hitting the window. It's another 2hrs on and still raining, the dogs happily 'plod' their way through puddles and mud but weren't to happy with the rub down when they got back and the 'no laying on the sofa when you're wet rule' lol. Apparently its going to get better.
We drove down here last night until Sunday, again gorgeous weather, on route we pass a cafe and toilet area set back from the road. For many years this has been a meeting place for 'bikers', they range from the top range bikes to Harley's and those that have seen better days. There's no trouble, they're there to chat and show off their bikes, all ages, from the young learner to the elderly capable to ride.
It's an amazing sight, Lincolnshire is a very flat rural area famous for its farming, when the weather is good like yesterday our journey is great. You constantly have bikes in your rear view mirror, groups and solo riders, the sound takes us back to when Neil was racing.
Last night there were more bikes there at the cafe than I've ever seen before, there were hundreds, it was like going to a race meeting at the local race track Cadwell Park, all you could see was a huge sea of people and bikes, brilliant! I don't think they'd gathered to discuss crochet or quilting though ;0). The usual conversation is ' what can you get out of her on the straight' her being the bike.
As mentioned in my last post my second blanket is coming on great and a little nearer to completion. Some of you would have it finished in a few days or a week but I can't crochet for long before my hands swell and stiffen even more so its a case of do when you can and don't when you can't. The squares below all have a white border on them now so can be added to the already joined ones.

Friday 21st
I've discovered I can't do any crochet anyway I've left my hooks at home, I can only use these so the blanket won't grow any just yet! Mr B suggested buying another one but I bought these in a set with case on Etsy which cost me a lot less than buying them individually.

Last week I found a tutorial for a Funky Chicken Debbie Shore
Debbie's instructions are great but being tired I sewed up the wrong seam twice! I left it alone, went to bed and tried again the next day, result, yeah please say hello to Maggie.

Maggie is filled with hollow fibre so can be used as a toy or just sitting on my desk. Im going to do some more with rice to be used as doorstops. She didn't want to stay on the machine it disturbed her sleep lol.
Below is a close up of one of the cushions from the dining area.

Mr B has been very busy in the garden we have with the caravan, he planted Lupins last year and my goodness how he was rewarded this year. Everyone who walks past comments on them, the left one is a deep pink the middle one is a gorgeous purple. That one doesn't show up very well on the photo, the far right has a Lupin planted this year so is only about 14" high, I can't remember what colour that one is.

On the left of the picture going down that wall is a Laverita which of course is Pink looks like that will flower this year. Also small perrenials which have flowered and been dead headed. The other border plants aren't flowering yet apart from the beautiful Aquilegias

He found a way to have hanging baskets without drilling into the veranda rails, they and the pots on the patio contain my favourite, Pansies, along with others.

The two faces peeping through the gate is Momma Mia and Poppy, the others were more sensible and stayed in the shade inside.

He's also got Potatoes in tubs on the patio and lettuce, radishes, spring onions, mint and chocolate mint in planters also on the patio. Last night for dinner we had homemade pizza with a side salad with some of his lettuce and radishes. The spring onions aren't up yet, it was delicious, he does make a mean pizza👍in fact he's a great cook.
I'm writing this with blog spot I'm not sure if you are able to click on the photos for a better look.
We had to wait up until just after 2am before the dogs could go for a last wee, it was heavy torrential rain. It's dull today and showers on and off so I'm going to see if I can do some sewing.
Have a good day wherever you are
Peg xx
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