What a week, it's been hustle and bustle and little time to take a breath!
We started out quietly but when Tuesday hit so did the rush.......Dr's for me for some test results, pleased to say they were fine. I managed to get some more stitching done on my Celtic Autumn, she's so near the finishing post, I have 3 squares to stitch on the left handside border then it beading time. Unlike some I do enjoy beading but only when it involves projects such as this. I wouldn't enjoy stitching something completely in beads.
Wednesday morning I indulged myself and went to the local beauticians for a pedicure and foot massage............oh how wonderful this was. I'm not into new age philosophies like reflexology and having someone stand over me waving their arms about madly to ward away bad karma and vibes but I do enjoy a relaxing massage.
The afternoon I was at my stitch club which I haven't been able to attend for about 6wks do to a back injury, it was so nice seeing those lovely ladies. We were a little on the small side as a lot are suffering this horrible flu. A good time was had by all and mutual admiring was going on good and strong, I nearly lost my Celtic Banner and Celtic Autumn as they were very much liked.
Renee who is 81 and a fairly new stitcher brought a picture she'd stitched and framed of 2 Bluetits on top of milk bottles, it looked so real. She was so proud of her first framing and so she should be she had made an excellent job of it.
Late afternoon saw me back at the Dr's for my cardiology MOT, pleased to say that mostly went well but some concerns on the Angina, I think it's all the stress that has hit us this past year so another visit is necessary this coming week. I'm not enjoying my meals very much at the moment so 'we' think it a good idea to completely change and consider other food than I have at present. It won't be to hard as I'm not a chocolate, cream cake, fish and chip person. I love fruit and vegetables so have to now be a little more adventurous. Every visit sees her (Dr) trying to coax me to eat more fish, OILY fish, the mere thought of it makes my stomach turn......bluuurr. I can eat tinned salmon in brine but not fresh so the oily fish is OUT!!! I've spent the week trying to convince Neil it would benefit him too.................LOL
we were at the hospital for Neils ENT appt Whilst there we had a fire scare, apparently a microwave had blown up in the cafe in the main concourse. Thankfully it was soon over and we were back inside. Neil has a date for his operation, Feb 4th he will need to be in overnight and have a fortnight off work but will benefit from it in the long run. All he seems concerned about was that it may prevent him going climbing in Glen Coe at halfterm! Our halfterm is late in February so he may be okay to go. If not I've told him we could go away somewhere nice and quiet for a change................
I rushed to get myself kick started then realised my dentists app. was 2.30 and not 9.30am, I don't do mornings very well. In the evening I managed to get some more stitching done and some computer time in.
We went to the warehouse for Neil's ebay goodies, had lunch there but as it was a little late the meal left a lot to be desired. I could have used my garlic chicken to play frisby with, I know my grip isn't very good but whilst trying to cut into my 'frisby' it flew across the blooming cafe and landed almost back on the counter. Needless to say the other occupants of the cafe were given free, unexpected entertainment with their meal.
I must add here that another passion in my life is fairies and I have a little friend called Tinkerbelle who is with me most of the time, see pic. Now I thought I had left her at home sleeping but I'm wondering if she may have stowed away in my bag as this is usually the sort of capers she gets up to......... ;o) Neil ate his meal rather quickly looking rather flushed, I just finished my drink and head held high went on my merry way.
When we got home I decided to do a little stash sorting, you know the one, mmm.....will I ever use this, why did I buy this chart it's awful.........I always find it strange how, when you want a particular fabric it's not there, go and buy some and lo and behold there is a nice large piece in your stash cupboard/draw? I have so much to sort out for this room to be decorated, I'm having a new computer desk as this one is proving to big for this room, new cupboards and we hope to include a bed chair. We had hoped to have a bed-settee but the cupboards I would like would not leave enough room for a settee.
I need to do a full inventry of my stash, I have a fantastic programme on my computer called CrossMagic which a friend in the states bought me quite a while ago, it will take me ages to update it but it is a good programme and worth taking time to log all goodies.
That brings us up to today, I had hoped to do a little more stash sorting but Neil needed to go to another warehouse so by the time I'd got going, we'd been there we didn't have lunch until 3pm so the thought of bending over (can't bend down!) wasn't very desirable.
When I finish this I have some emails to read then I'm off here and back to my stitching, I want to see her finished before the week is out. I'm in a Celtic Christmas SAL so have to kit that up. I have a lovely Pot Sampler calling me constantly......
All that's left is for me to wish you a great week of stitching........I'm hoping to post more often so my posts don't go on for so long.....................'phew' I hear you cry.............