I can now reveal which Blackbird design I have been stitching on the BD SAL which I took part in for a sampler group I belong to. I chose My Valentine, just because I'm a soppy romantic at heart ........ I stitched it on a mottled evenweave which I bought from a LNS I visit occasionally. I did go back a couple of weeks ago to buy some more as it suits these samplers really well but apparently it was a piece which was taken out of a kit someone purchased and didn't like the fabric so they had exchanged it for her. A friend thinks it's possibly a Zweigart as it's usually their fabric that Lanarte use.
I used the recommended GAST threads, the border does need to be counted carefully as it's easy to do an extra stitch or two.
I have over the past week or so been able to increase my sampler chart and kit stash, with the curtesy of the sellers on ebay. I was able to obtain some really good bargains, when I'll be able to stitch them all goodness knows but it sure is nice having them to look at and imagine on my walls.
Through another stitcher on the sampler group I discovered http://www.papillon-creations.com these are beautiful sampler designs, not expensive and as they come in pdf form as soon as you pay online they are available for download into you computer. The new one is Three little words, a beautiful large sampler stitched with just one light and one dark shade thread. Yvonne also has some complimentry charts which compliment the larger for sale charts. Well worth a visit.
I have also purchased the Jane Austen Collection of charts from Tanya at http://thesamplergirl.homestead.com/home.html there are three in the collection, Northanger Abbey, Pride & Prejudice and my favourite Mansfield Park. A phrase from the relevant book is on each sampler. Tanya has also created a wonderful series of 'The First Ladies' of American past presidents. A brief history of each lady is included with the chart and if like myself you enjoy history you will enjoy stitching these samplers. A new 'First Lady' is to be released in September, an exciting project to look forward to.
Isn't it strange how our tastes change, when I first started stitching I loved scenic charts and historical dress. I've always loved the ladies of Mirabilia and Lavender & Lace, now my main passion is stitching samplers. There are so many to choose from, the quirky L*K's, Bent Creeks, Blackbird Designs along with Birds of a Feather to the beautiful geometrical designs like St Georges from Long Dog to the beautiful historical samplers. I have the Pot sampler from The Historical Sampler co. as a wip, the colours are gorgeous and it's a pleasure to stitch on. Each motif with it's own meaning. This is not a small sampler it will grace my wall nicely when completed.
I think I need to have three life times to complete all I have in my stash, but then again if I don't buy them now when I'm able to I may not be able to afford them when I'm older so would have missed out ......well that's my thinking anyway and my excuse........lol
happy stitching whether you're a sampler fan, scenery or disney cutie stitcher!!