It's a very sad and heartbreaking time for us at the moment, my beautiful, sweet natured girl Deeber left us on Tuesday 6th November. Her health had got steadily worse over the past few weeks, her arthritis made movement painful, her heart problems got worse not helped at all with the stress of hearing the nightly barrage of fireworks of which she was petrified. She also had kidney failure. Over the past 7 nights loud horrendous bangs were heard and although she was sedated she still got very stressed to the point of her eyes rolling and her tongue turning blue. On Monday it became all to obvious she was so tired and had suffered long enough, the vets advice was that it was time to let her go.
It was really hard spending the last night with her, Megan and Georgia 2 of our little ones didn't leave her side and wherever she lay they lay snuggled up to her sensing her time was near. On Tuesday I took her, our vet was wonderful and said she and the nurse would stay out of her vision so she only saw me and they would be quiet so as not to frighten her. I held her whilst she quietly slipped away, whispering to her to run free to the rainbow bridge where her friends Micky and Lucy would be waiting for her. I know she's no longer in pain and will be like a young pup again but it hurts so much now she's gone. Each morning when I come downstairs I miss her being at the bottom padding her feet, smiling, wagging her tail and 'talking' in her own way.
In all the time she was with us we never heard her growl or bark at anyone. All visitors were welcomed with a wagging tail and a smile, she loved everyone she met. Over the years she brought us so much joy and was our special girl, she welcomed the 4 little ones with a look of 'oh another one heh'. Megan and Georgia both keep looking around for her and can't understand where their big cuddly friend has gone.
I know in time the pain will ease,we have so many happy memories of her time with us.
Run free my special girl, I loved you so much and you will always have a special place in my heart.xx