It's almost a fortnight since I had my knee replacement surgery and things are slowly improving. Because of there being a mass shortage of beds the hospital allowed me and the lady in the next bed to come home early. Unfortunately a sickness virus going around the hospital causing wards to be closed down and the bad icy weather bringing trauma patients in daily caused them to discharge those who had back up at home. Barb (my fellow escapee) were thrilled to hear the news, we had been sadly lacking in sleep not even averaging an hr per night due to a very vocal elderly patient in the bed opposite. The nursing staff were run off the feet daily and no break in the night time either.
Everything went well I did have a scare when I met the Anaesthetist he told me because of my health, my reaction to the GA and there being no spare bed in the ICU ward I would have to have an epidural, my heart sank to the floor. I couldn't be awake during the op I knew I couldn't cope with it. He promised me he would give me a sedative so I wouldn't be to aware. I am much relieved to say he was right I didn't I only remember hearing one strike of the hammer which hits the joint home that was it. I was in a lot of pain but wasn't suffering in my usual way after a GA which was a great relief.
I did have one pleasant surprise, because the lady who's bed I was going in couldn't go home I was put in the private wing for 2 days. Very posh and I must say quiet however they moved me up to the original ward and although I missed the peace & quiet of my own room I had the socialisation with the other 4 ladies in my bay.
I had my op on Wednesday 13th Jan and came home on Monday 18th Jan. The district nurse has been coming in to see me and made her last visit today to take out my stitches and ta
ke another blood test. Do you like my new fashionable stockings? :o) I need to wear these for the next 5 weeks to help to prevent DVT. Because I came home early and the Tinzaperin injections are continued until a month after surgery Neil has bravely stepped in to administer them to save me having to do it. Sticking a needle in my own stomach every day is not my idea of fun! The stitching is neat but he evidently went offline a little on the knee cap :o)
The strong pain meds finish today so I'll be going back to my normal ones hoping they will help with the pain. The stiffness will ease with time, I'm doing my exercises and walking to get the leg moving properly. Driving is on hold until at least 6 wks post op so I get to be at home merrily stitching away.......yeeeaahhh.
The sampler I was stitching 'Heavens Gate' wasn't suitable to take into hospital with me due to me needing a stitching lamp to see the threads. I started a new sampler instead on 28ct evenweave, it's by Anchor and just called A Victorian sampler.
This is my progress so far, I am thinking of tea or coffee dying it when it's finished to age it a little.
My other good news is two of my girls have come home, I've really missed them, they are both a bit clingy at the moment I don't think they trust me going out of their sight just now. Angela has looked after them really well as I knew she would, they both came home freshly groomed and looking gorgeous. Angela thinned out Nulies coat for me and it's hanging beautifully now. They both had little diamante butterfly clips in their hair to finish off the look...... gorgeous!!! Thank you Angela for being such a good friend.
I now have to prise my other two girls Mia & Georgi girl from the hands of my other friend Dionne, she has enjoyed their company so much she's reluctant to hand them back. I think they're coming back sometime in the next two weeks. It gives me longer to get more steady on my feet.
Well I'm off to do more stitching before the phone rings and stops me.
Take care
Peg xx