Well this is my second night alone, Neil rang earlier whilst he was waiting for his meat & potato pie to cook. They'd arrived safely at the cottage last night and had just eaten and gone to bed. Today was a slow chill day, tomorrow will be a climbing day weather permitting. I'm missing him already, it doesn't take long, I know I can watch what I want on tv, eat when I want but when you're so used to the companianship of a partner his presence is greatly missed. He's my soulmate and I'm only half a person when he's not here. I'm sure the womens libbers will take great humbrige at that but I don't really care I probably love him more today than when I first fell in love with him and I don't mind who knows it.
He's a lovely man my DH, he gave me permission to spend some of his money in his paypal account to buy some more stash, now I wasn't going to turn down the offer was I? I have bought some lovely bargains from ebay and will post pics as and when it arrives.
We have had a great variety of weather these past few days, the forecasted 6" of snow arrived on Thursday so as usual Britain came to an almost standstill. We got ours on Friday, this postponed Paul, Philly and the girls trip to Wales for the week. However during Saturday the weather got warmer and the evening saw drizzling rain which of course started to melt the snow. Sunday was a beautiful warm sunshine day all traces of snow gone. This evening we've had rain again and it's still raining as I write. We certainly don't get bored here in the UK......lol
I finally finished the Regia socks which I'd had so much trouble with. They are the striped pr. the pattern is Regia no 33 Kreativ and knitted in Regia 4ply sock yarn in Jacquard.
The second pic is of a sock I started just a short time ago, I found the fantastic instructions and pattern here at Susan's She has a wonderful blog and I am enjoying following the instructions and seeing her wip too. I'm knitting these in James C. Bretts Marble no 6. I'm also pleased with myself for mastering the magic loop method......mmm sounds a bit like birth control doesn't it.....oops get one's mind out of the gutter and back on the matter in hand :o)I'm hoping to graduate to 2 circular needles soon and then to knitting both socks at the same time. I have also finished the White ribbon wool scarf I was knitting for a little girl called Holly. I'll take a pic tomorrow and post it.
Earlier tonight I watched the dramatization of Mrs Beaton, I'd recorded it on my computer earlier in the week. It's thoroughly enjoyable to watch and a sad surprise she was so young when she died. Her book came about due to her boredom once her new home was as she wanted it, her husband, Samuel Beaton was a publisher and her visiting him at his printshop one lunchtime led to the idea of her now famous book.
She was a complete novice in the kitchen when she married, although as the eldest child her 16 brothers & sisters gave her great experience with the raising of children. The sad death of her first two boys and later her own was thought to be contributed to Samuel having Syphillis which led to his death. Her neighbours Mr & Mrs Brown who had become their close friends moved into the Beaton home when Bella died to take care of Samuel and the two surviving boys. In the dramatization nothing was said about the boys after their fathers death, it would be interesting to see if they remained with Mr & Mrs Brown or were reunited with Bellas parents who frowned on Samuels lack of provision for his family.
On that note I am now going to do the sensible thing and go to bed whilst I feel tired. I don't sleep well and even less when Neil's away. Who knows tonight may be a good one for sleeping.
take care
hugs Peg