Christmas is now officially over and we're waiting for the emergence of a new year. 2008 has been one of learning for me. I have learnt patience because things happen in their own time not when I wish them to. I have learnt we are not a nation of dog lovers as we are projected throughout the world. I have had rescue dogs for years but this year I've learnt how they come in, the state some of them come in and the process from them coming in to being rehomed.
There has been the two extremes of dogs who's owners couldn't wait to get them out of the door and who needed to know someone was there for them and loved them and that not all humans were monsters who would hurt them. Then there's the other side, owners who through no fault of their own have had to give up much loved companians, who I've sat and held whilst they cried because it hurt so much to give them up, assuring them I'd let them know when he was in his new loving home. Not all rescue dogs are here because owners didn't care.
The year has not been a healthy one for me but I'm here, I'm still alive and for that I thank the Good Lord. I have met so many new people over this past year and some of them have become firm friends. I've laughed and cried at situations I've found myself in wondering what was around the next corner.
Until I started transporting dogs I didn't know it was possible to get lost as much as my sister and I have on such a small island. I'm sure the poor woman in the satelite who guides us on my satnav must be bald by now after pulling all her hair out with frustration of my getting lost. (I do know there isn't really someone sat up there...........there isn't is there?;o)
I love the closeness my sister and I have shared, we've laughed together so much we've cried and we cried together, all in the name of life. I'm sad for the barrier which seems to have grown between my daughter and I. I don't know what the reason is, I've asked several times but have not had an answer. We were so very close for many years but now I see and feel the barriers have come up and she doesn't want to be in my company.
She was my daughter, my friend but isn't any longer and for that my heart weeps. The above sentence has caused an even bigger problem with my daughter, the words written were not meant to offend. I did not mean I didn't consider her to be my daughter anymore, I meant she has distanced herself from us for what reason we don't know and she wont say. She will always be my daughter and as such I will always love her but it is sad when a mother/daughter relationship falls apart. That is what makes my heart weep.
I am happy to have been stitching again, I've finished my Blue sampler and a Remembrance sampler by Janlyn. I have started stitching Butternut Roads Rose sampler, I thought at first the colours were a bit dowdy but since putting the middle row in I can see how they compliment each other. I find it a great joy to see a work come into being on a blank canvas so to speak and wonder at the talent of the person who has designed it. I paint with my needle and love it, I also love to see the works others have stitched, quilted or knit.
Well time is running away with us and I need to rest so will say bye for now and I hope to keep my blog upto date better in 2009.
hugs Peg x