I'm having tremendous problems with my feet at the moment, my heels are numb and I am experiencing numbness from below the ball of my foot up to and including my toes. This makes life very awkward if I'm stepping over something I never know if I've cleared it and often fall flat on my face in either the kitchen or hallway after coming through each door. I went to see a neurologist who wants me to go for a scan, there are two possibilities either the nerves in my feet are dying in which case there's nothing they can do. We know I don't have diabetes. Or it could be related to my spine there may be nerves trapped. If this is the case it's possible surgery will rectify this.
I asked the neurologist & my own dr if they thought reflexology would help get the circulation back. Both said it wouldn't hurt, no offence to anyone but I don't believe in the hocus pocus of such treatments but I thought the deep foot massage would help rather than a pedicure.
I had my first appointment on Monday and have to say it was very relaxing, I couldn't feel some of what she was doing but what I could didn't hurt. I was told to sip plenty of water throughout the day and rest for the afternoon. I would possibly feel a little nauseous or tired, it was the tiredness which hit me. I made myself comfortable, threaded needles ready to stitch on my sampler, I woke up almost 2 hrs later with a half threaded needle in my hand! Neil said she perhaps should come each night then I'd sleep better :o)
The recommended space between each treatment is 7 days minimum so I'm off next Wednesday for my next one. My feet were tender the next day but not painful, they are swollen again but that's par for the course lately.
Changing the subject the nine Shiddies we brought in are doing really well in their foster homes and learning how to be normal dogs. It makes it all worthwhile when they start to trust again. Paddington is feeling better after his two days of not being well, he slept the days away and now seems fine. I don't think it's stroke related like before because he's stable on his feet and isn't vacant in his eyes. The other munchkins are plodding along, I'm toying with the idea of cutting the girls coats down, I haven't been able to keep up with their grooming whilst I was ill so it's going to take some hours to bring them back to what they were. I haven't decided yet though.
The nights are drawing in now and night time descends on us so quickly, the year is going so fast too. I think it's as you get older the days seemed to go on forever when I was young :o) I'm looking forward to the autumnal colours coming into the trees, the hazy mornings. We're having a new fence erected next Thursday so hopefully we can get the garden sorted again into looking something worth looking at instead of the mess it is at the moment. Wonder if Neil will garden when he's semi retired?????
Have a great day looking forward to catching up on your blogs too.
Peg xx
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
I am ashamed of myself !

Yes I am, for not keeping up with my blog when I promised myself I would.
Things have been so hectic here it's unbelievable. One of the rescue's I helped out with closed down so in January 10 of us formed another rescue which is called The Little Dog Rescue. We take all small dogs be they pedigree or cross breeds, I am regional co-ordinator for the rescue so life is more busy now.
The photo above is of my 8 dogs plus 2 of Dionnes a fellow staff member of the rescue. We were all at a country show at Tatton Park in Cheshire. A great day had by all. I now have 4 Shih Tzu's, Megan, Livvy, Paddington & Nemo plus 4 Lhasa Apso girls, Mia, Nulie, Poppy & Georgia. As you can see Olivia who featured in my last post didn't leave us, when it came to it we couldn't bear the thought of watching her driving away with another family so we adopted her. Little Trickwoo the Pekingese was also adopted by us, sadly she had infections in her eyes which caused her to lose one eye and in a few days it had spread to her other eye. She was so poorly we had to make the decision to let her go, it was an awful day and we still miss her so much much. She was a little bossy britches but we loved her. Paddington our oldest Shiddie had a massive stroke earlier this yr followed by 2 smaller ones, he has recovered but isn't as active as he was.
I have fostered more than a few Lhasa's and Shih Tzu's and been very good and let them go to new homes but it's been hard :o)
Neil is hoping to take flexi retirement at the end of term at Christmas, that would be great, he's getting very tired all the time, he's worked since he left school in 1964 so I think he deserves to take life easy. It was another sad time for us in August, Neil's middle brother Glyn was diagnosed and died within 4 1/2wks with cancer. It was a big shock to us and happened so quickly, both Neil and his elder brother were devastated.
I have recently been ill but it did have it's good side, I have been able to do some more stitching and catch up on some of the blogs I used to love visiting. I've missed reading them and hope to make time for myself to continue doing so.

At the moment I'm stitching Heavens Gate Sampler by Hester's Needle I love the autumnal colours of this sampler and am using the Sandstone tea died linen included in the kit. I have so many pieces not framed I think I'll have to take out another mortgage to cover the cost of framing them all but I need to get them done.
My quilting is at a stop due to not being able to get to my cutting table and machines at the moment. I have stored boxes in my craft room which have now taken over. My plan is to get this sorted before Christmas so I can get back to it.
I need to say goodnight now it's 1am here and I promised dh I would start to go to bed earlier so I don't get so run down. Hopefully it won't be as long until the next posting .
Take care
Peg xx
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