
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Apologies

My apologies to everyone who visits my blog and takes the time to leave kind comments. The past year has been so hectic with the rescue, it has been both heartbreaking seeing all the dogs come into rescue and rewarding seeing the same dogs leave and go to their new, loving homes.

We recently celebrated our 2nd anniversary and in that time we have had just over 800 dogs go through our 'doors'. I have one here at the moment a 12yr old Shih Tzu boy called Beethoven, that's his photo at the top of the page, he's moving to another foster on Sunday who has less dogs. He's used to being with only one other dog, here he's sharing with 7 others.

Sadly Paddington lost his fight in the summer of last year against the debilitating results of several strokes. We hung on clinging to the hope he'd get better but sadly the time came to say goodbye all to quickly. We still miss him, we miss watching him clean his teddies and tell the others off for taking them or having them in their beds without his permission.

I've stuck to my promise to dh and haven't adopted another Shiddie or Lhasa girl although some really beautiful natured little ones have come and gone.

My stitching time took a nose dive and it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I decided to make time to stitch. I missed it so much and the priority at the moment is L&L's Angel of Spring which I'm stitching for the lady who frames my stitching. I'm missing my samplers but need to get this stitched as soon as I can. I have so many samplers I want to stitch, I was going through some of my charts the other day and was flabbergasted at the amount of charts I have :0)

We have so many jobs planned for the house this year, my new large cooker, splash back & hood is still in it's boxes in the garage. Our summer house is still awaiting the time to put it together, we need a new bathroom plus new windows & doors. The back garden needs remodeling too. Where all the time will come from to do the projects I've no idea but get done they must.
Well I'm beat and I have to get up early tomorrow so will say buy for now and thank you for reading.
Take care
Peg x


Nancy said...

The dogs are so lucky to have someone caring like you to help rescue them Peg. I'm so sorry that you lost Paddington.

Enjoy getting back into your stitching. I remember how beautiful your stitching is, and I would love to see photos!

amelia said...

I am so happy to see you back!!! I've checked almost daily and really thought that was the end!

I hope your health is better than it was and that your knee is recovered.

You are such an angel doing this for the dogs. We lost one and gained one since you've been gone and are back up to five large ones, the last being an old outdoor farm dog who no one wanted anymore. We are spoiling her rotten with a nice cosy bed, no more outside, and as much food as she can eat!

I'm so sorry to hear about Paddington, it's always so sad losing a beloved pet.

hazel c UK said...

Nice to see you back Peg and sorry about Paddington I know how it feels to lose a dog.

Glad you have got back into stitching and look forward to seeing some photos.


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