Hi ladies, I've been a bit absent on the blogging front, whilst away I've mainly been using my ipad and believe me it's no fun using it to write on blogger. You can't add photos through it and things go awry with it, we're back home now and I'm finally able to catch up. I've enjoyed reading through the many blogs I visit, there have been some beautiful creations and I've loved reading about them.
Take a trip over to
Hens house share in her Easter celebrations, I love popping in and seeing what she's been creating or what she's up to.
We've been away to the van for 10 days and thoroughly enjoyed it, we went from Thursday to Sunday during which the weather was gorgeous, we were able to sit outside, chill out and enjoy the sun. The dogs loved it and as you can just see on the photos they lapped up the sunshine. Mr B managed to get the borders planted, if they all come up it will look colourful, he also planted up two large pots near the veranda. There are now tiny lights entwined around the balcony rails, post lights along the path and 3 Shepherds lanterns on either side of the patio. They look wonderful at night, it's not warm enough to sit out there in the evening yet but will be soon.
We came home on the Sunday because Neil had some meetings at work but we went back on Monday when he'd finished. Lesley, Andrew and Sam joined us for a few days. They set off in the afternoon so when we got there they had a lovely meal waiting for us. It was lovely to sit down and eat straightaway.
Not wanting to scare you but this was me at the beginning of the holiday feeling exhausted, not able to sleep and looking like something the cat dragged in!! I was trying to read but when you've got a few little furry ones who like attention you tend to read the same paragraph several times. I promise you as the time went on I did feel more refreshed and looked less scarey lol. Hey if you can't laugh at yourself something's wrong, I do it regularly because I usually get into a muddle. ;o)
When we went back the weather was appalling, like the rest of the country we had horrendous storms. The wind during the night was so loud you'd have thought you were next to a train line. Thankfully no one suffered any damage but I was glad the van is anchored down!
I felt sorry for Sam, he loves to fish and had taken all his fishing tackle down with him so he could fish in the lake, even remembering his licence. Sadly the storms were to strong and taking the dogs had us all wet through and having to change clothes each time, the dogs were dryer than us actually, we don't know how they managed it. Nemo and Dooglebug were most affronted at having to wear coats, if looks could kill lol.
It was fun having them there and it meant we had 10 dogs with us but with 5 of us and 2 dogs each we had walking sussed. They were brilliant bless em and settled down after their walks. Sadly we couldn't take them on the beach, the winds were to strong. Travelling through the streets the day after the worse one we saw how strong it had been peoples gardens and drives were covered in sand and the shops on the front had been close to being flooded by sea water and rain. We all enjoyed it though and had a laugh and celebrated Andrews birthday. Lesley and family left on the Wednesday evening because Andrew was back at work on Thursday, we got up Thursday morning to gorgeous sunshine and warm weather!! we couldn't believe it.
We had a couple of days on our own then on Saturday one of Neil's climbing friends came over with his wife and 22mth old little boy for the day. Thankfully it was lovely sunshine again so we were able to go out onto the beach, it was still windy on there though so we needed to wrap up well. We haven't seen them since Oliver was a few months old and what a delightful little boy he is, he's so cute and amusing. He's very forward for his age and very articulate, he soon had us and the dogs charmed. He thought it very funny when Dooglebug, who had become his buddy for the day, decided to take one of his Bob the builder toys. He was not going to give it up, I had visions of a very expensive op to remove the toy if he chewed and swallowed it! To say he came into rescue as supposedly grumpy and a biter he loved being with Oliver, I did have to open his mouth and take the toy out he wasn't going to give it up otherwise, but he didn't offer to bite once.
During our time at the van I managed to finish my 'Playmates' quilt top, I'm undecided whether to put another border around it or just put the batting and backing on. I'm really pleased with it and will post a picture later. I have to keep checking the dogs to make sure they haven't got pins stuck in their coats, I tend to drop the pins when pinning fabric together I did find one in my slipper one evening, thankfully it was stuck on the outer edge so no blood involved.
Now they've delivered the shed we've taken Mr B's bike and one of my scooters down to the van. Lincolnshire is very flat and a big help to those with walking problems. Mr B enjoys going out with his camera and I can go up to the shops or 'walking' the dogs without getting more tired. Friday was another lovely day, I'd taken Megan and Dooglebug to have their claws clipped then left them with Mr B whilst I had a ride up into town, it was lovely not having to look for a parking space and getting some fresh air.
Our lovely time had to come to an end on Monday evening, Mr B was back at work Tuesday and Wednesday. The traffic on the home run was busy in one section but the end bit went fairly quickly. Our eldest son, wife and youngest daughter have gone down from today until Sunday, I'm keeping my fingers crossed the weather stays fine for them. Paul suffers when it's damp and cold, they've taken their dog Teddy Edward, whose seen here chilling at home and getting ready for his holiday lol. Isn't he gorgeous.
Well folks I think that's me done for now, it's time for bed.
Take care
Peg x