No not mine, poor Mr B's, every year at half term he joins 10-14 of his climbing friends from all over Britain. They hire a beautiful cottage in Glen Co and hope the snow has compacted to ice so they can do their ice climbing. It's quite amusing, over the years they've spent their week in a rough and ready 'hut', a small cottage where it's first ones to arrive get a bed the others bunk down on the floor. Now they're all over 55 and going for the comfort factor :) this particular cottage has enough rooms, utility/drying room, 2 sitting rooms, large kitchen, it's not cheap at almost £700 but shared between all of them it isn't much.
The problem is my poor Mr B has a chest infection that is making him feel pretty rough, they sent him home from work yesterday morning. It's pretty much expected he'll be on antibiotics before the end of the week. I'm keeping everything crossed for him he really deserves this break, it's been a tough few months for him too.
I really enjoyed our main meal today, I don't eat fish much at all but decided to give it a go for once. I used cod fillets from Farm foods, not expecting them to have much taste. In all fairness it was delicious, I poached it in a small amount of milk, this is what I made for Mr B to accompany his. I really wanted to use tinned chopped toms but they're in the store cupboard and I can't reach them, Mr B was having a sleep.
I chopped up
3 medium fresh tomatoes
2 cloves Garlic
1/2 Courgette
1/2 Onion
8 Black olives
2tsps Capers
Tsp Parsley
Olive oil for cooking
Salt, pepper
Tomato purée
Boiled spuds
Home made parsley sauce

Mine was minus the tomato concoction I don't like capers of black olives, I had the spuds, a small piece of fish and spinach and really enjoyed it. Everything was from the fridge, freezer and cupboard and it cost very little.
There was a good sized piece of fish left over so I put that in the bottom of this dish, put the remainder of the tomato mix on top, a layer of grated cheese and topped with the remaining mashed potatoes. That's in the freezer for another day, he'll perhaps enjoy it with a green salad and roasted peppers the long red ones I can't remember their name.

There was also 2 loaves made in the bread maker today, 1 white & 1 wholemeal mmm delicious.

We got up to it snowing this morning, it was very cold and wet so it didn't settle and the promised sunshine came through at lunch time for a couple of hrs.
I managed to do a little sewing today, I have a lot of blocks made up and left over from making this top.

The blocks are 9"sq so I used 5 across and 6 down I'll add a border, it will make a nice sized lap quilt, I'm hoping to get the border on tomorrow. I really love these autumnal colours and may just make a few patchwork cushion covers. I had my first dabble at FMQ yesterday on a small amount of fabric I thought I may just have a go on a cushion cover. I'll let you know whether its success or disaster lol. The quilting will be simple 'doodling, I'm not being modest honestly when my family were in the artistic queue I didn't quite get my full quota like Dad and sisters! I make matchstick men un identifiable :).
Take care
Peg x
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