
Monday, May 11, 2020

A more cheerful post.

Hello again, not so long this time folks😄

Last year had its good happenings too, being honest we miss our caravan and seeing the people who had become lovely friends. A few others decided they were going to leave also, there was no animosity against anyone totally the opposite like us they thought it was time to sell on. With both of us under the weather we couldn’t have managed it and covid 19 would have put a kibosh on going over this year anyway.

I have even been able to make various style project bags which need to be listed of my page, I have hand dyed more yarn, crocheted more blankets, knit hats, fingerless mitts and shawls. I’ve also managed to finish off some of my quilt tops which had been waiting. I’ve also begun to not feel guilty sitting and knitting/crocheting or sewing during the day when other jobs may need doing. It’s taken a long time for me to feel at ease doing that, no one put any guilt on my shoulders only myself.
The big event for me in 2019 was I attended my first craft fair as a vender 😄👏 it took place in our church hall, I was booked for another but had to pull out due to being ill. I was very nervous but was quickly put at  ease by the other venders, there was a very nice atmosphere amongst them.

Two of the quilts were on the background display, the crochet shawls and other quilts were on the left of photo. Some of my hand dyed yarn is on the table at your right, a few bags hanging on the front plus hats, mitts and socks are on the table. She can’t be seen very well but Lottie my mannequin on the left is showing off one of a cardigan, shawl and hat I had knit up. To make her feel better she borrowed one of my wigs.😊👍.

I was hoping to attend a few more this year but I can’t see that happening anytime soon. I do have quite a lot of finished goodies. 

I’ve been working on my long cardigan, it’s ‘Lovely in Lavender‘ pattern by  Monica Russell. I’ve loved working on it, it is knit side to side, a first for me, you have to cast off stitches across the back for the arm holes and knit the sleeves separate. I finished the rib on the second side and went to put the sleeves in Then I found my mistake arrrrrgggghhh, At the top of the first arm hole there was a few rows of knitting, at the top of the second armhole no knitting! So I’ve taken it back to where I cast off  for the sleeve and will start again to finish the cardigan.   It was the lavender, purple shades that drew me to this and I even managed to find the same shade of yarn, it’s really nice yarn to knit with. I bought a few colours in it.

I have had to stop cross stitching altogether I can’t hold the 28size needles and I don’t like bigger count fabrics. I have sold 98% of my fabric on eBay not a lot left now, I also sold my 2 Lowery stands. I have a lot of Elbessee wooden frames and Snap frames of various sizes, a mountain of threads. DMC, Rainbow Gallery threads, Vicki Clayton silk threads with boxes of Charms, Buttons. There are enough charts to open a shop, embroidery scissors. It’s still going to take a while to list all the remaining stash.

When all the stash is sold then I need to sort out my fabric and yarn stash, I have a lot of my quilting goodies in a summer house, Mr B insulated for me but there is still some in what was my sewing room. I say was my sewing room because when Mr B got worse and I can’t get comfortable so don’t sleep we decided he would sleep in there so he can get enough rest. I also have some fabric and sewing related items including my gorgeous sewing desk my son made for me in there. I had to lose my cutting table it’s in the summerhouse but I’d have to move things to use it. The only other room is his office and he needs that. Yes I need my sewing room also but as I’m in the biggest bedroom in my best bed I’ve ever slept in I go in when I can but can’t leave projects out now. Also my large storage unit for my yarn is in there and the rest I’ve got stored in vacuum sealed bags in my wardrobe. My yarn for dyeing is also in containers.  This I suppose is the downside of not owning a large house🤣 Well I’ve rattled on and on long enough so I do hope some of you will  read this and it’s not a waste of time and I’m talking to myself. I’m off now to catch up on your blogs.😙


I didn’t realise it had been this long!

Wow, I’m ashamed to see how long it is since I last posted! I’ve not visited blogs over this time either which is not like me because I love seeing what everyone is up to. Looking at my previous post health wise not a lot has changed, Neil has really gone through the mill so to speak with his health. He is under a consultant for something that they haven’t diagnosed yet, he’s had a lot of marks appear on his legs at first we thought they were bruises but they’re not, they haven’t come up with a name for it yet he has a cream to apply but they’re increasing not decreasing and appearing on his arms as well. He can’t go back to the clinic because of civic-19 so unless his legs drop off he has to cope with it until they start seeing patients again.

He has had a lot of tests and scans for prostate cancer, the problem is his prostate is enlarged over 180% so they can’t do biopsies yet so have put him on a medication that decreases it over a period of 6mths. The virus affecting the world at the moment has for him, and 1000’s of others stopped them getting the treatment they need. He has another PSA blood test in a couple of weeks to see how it’s all going. Also due to the virus his consultations are via telephone with our dr and the consultant. He usually would rather suffer in silence than tell you how he feels but lately he has been quite ill and the smallest activity tires him out. He’s normally in bed for no later than 10pm and up literally with the lark but this past year a large portion of the day is spent either on the bed during the day and often going to bed by 8-8.30pm.

A while ago we decided to decorate the dining room and lounge, all the ingredients were gathered but with his health declining it has to wait, the stay away from others and no visiting have made this less embarrassing only we can see it. For both rooms the new curtains, new  rug and other finishing off items are stored.

I have been discharged from the breast clinic as clear now says she mentally jumping for joy. I have had another mammogram which came back clear so only need them every 3 yrs now yeahhhhhh👍 I
don’t know any woman who wouldn’t celebrate not having to have them.

 I found a large lump on the side of my neck it was painful and I felt really rough and very tired so Neil insisted I go to the drs and came with me. A blood test confirmed my ESR results were very high and others confirmed rheumatoid arthritis and an infection in my lymphatic system. On top of the other problems it’s  something I could do without but I’m coping. The medication given was Prednisalone but after reading the side effects I’ve opted not to take them they can cause a lot of mentally associated problems which for me is a no no. After my daughter was born I had post natal depression needing a lot of treatment some very unpleasant. Over time I have grown a lot stronger mentally and refuse to go to that dark valley again, so they’re keeping an eye on how I go on. I thought my dr would be cross but she is supporting me. Of course the pandemic has altered so much for everyone, all consultations are done over the phone at this time.

I’m closing this post now and will continue with a more upbeat and happier post👍😊💕💕
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