I didn't really feel like going anywhere this weekend I was so tired not having slept more than 3hrs in 2 nights so when dh asked if I wanted to go to the carboot sale Saturday afternoon I wasn't to eager. He talked me around saying it would do me good getting out in the fresh air. Oh he was soooo right :o) I have been after one of these for ages and the second stall down it jumped out at me, figuratively speaking of course otherwise I'd have been flat out on the floor waiting for an ambulance. Can you just see the headline.....Woman floored by much sought after firescreen!!! police gave a statement that they had a 'hot' lead on and a suspect was now in custody helping with their enquiries.;o)
Anyway enough flippancy....the embroidery in the panel is simply gorgeous and the wood surround is in excellent condition just needing a clean and polish and all for £8 I recently stopped bidding on one on ebay at £15 + £12 postage so glad I did.
We carried on and then I saw a quilt/towel rail another thing I'd missed out on with ebay. The chap was happy to let me have it for £3!! The last one I did early bidding on went on to over £20 + £10 postage, this was becoming a really pleasing day. I went on to find more treasures but blogger is having a problem with uploading pics so I'll post them tomorrow. There was a beautiful table cloth with embroidery at two opposing corners and another 2 with white work and hand crochered lace and my piece de resistance an old unframed Home sweet Home sampler for the princely sum of 50p!
Sunday dh asked again to go to another large c/boot sale, a pattern is emerging here can you see it :o) He was lucky again and got a large camera bag which holds his camera plus all his accessories I bartered and got it down to £7, they're £55 new so he was really pleased. I was ecstatic when I came across a French Louis style triple mirror, in perfect condition. I asked the price expecting double figures and was shocked when she said how does £2 sound, I restrained myself,didn't bite her hand off just paid and moved away quick before she changed her mind :o)
I also bought a beautiful rose duvet cover and matching rose patterned vallance sheet for £2 which I later washed and recycled for some projects I have in mind, a lovely elderly lady had a batch of lace in different sizes so was able to stock up on that too quite cheaply.
I finished the day off with purchasing a beautiful pink roses knitting bag with a large amount of wool all for £3 I'll post pics of those tomorrow with pics of my ebay wins. Don't want to shock blogger into shutting down with an over load of pics :o)
Thank you for dropping by I hope you enjoyed your visit, if you did or didn't I'd love to hear from you. I have found some more wonderful blogs which I've enjoyed reading so much, the links are in my list on the side bar please do visit them.
take care
hugs Peg :o)