
Sunday, September 30, 2007

A wonderful sight to see....

As you can see from the images below we had a few airbourne 'visitors' over our houses this past week. It was an amazing site to see, we often get them coming over and threatening to 'fall' in someones garden but they usually manage to lift themselves up at the last minute. However as you can see the red/cream one didn't quite make it.....I took the first pic of this one but the others are taken by Neil, well I can't run downstairs and I certainly can't run after a falling balloon :o) I'm glad to report they came down safely and happily there were no casualties except perhaps a little wounded pride. They finally came to rest in the field behind the next street to us and as you can see had a few spectators.
They were certainly more entertaining than the fast roar of the fighter jets which go over frequently practising low flying. The poor doglets think armageddon has come on such occasions!

Thank you for stopping by, I hope your weekend is restful and peaceful

hugs Peg


julia said...

Hi, thanks for visiting, and what a lovely blog you have!

The eiderdown was a complete bargain, I nearly snapped her hand off when she said £5! It was a bit grubby and smelly but has come up a treat.The other eiderdowns I've got came from ebay and I paid about £25 plus postage for each. I didn't realise the cahrity shops couldn't sell them, typical rules and regulations!

We get balloons coming over quite regularly, I love it when they're so low you can see the people in them, although I may be quite concerned if one landed next door!

Julia x

Curlew Country said...

Hello Peg, thanks for visiting my blog. I see that patchwork balloon on my drive to work though the Hope Valley sometimes, never seen one come down though. Hope no-one had a nasty bump!
Will be sad to be leaving Derbyshire, its a lovely county and we've been here for 6 years now. We'll only be just over the boundary though and my sister lies in Buxton too (and my best friend) so I'll be back lots.
Stephx what lovely dogs!

Cathy said...

Hi Peg,

Thank you for dropping by my blog. I'm thrilled to meet you. I do believe in fairies, and Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. They all live here with me. Anytime you want to come and visit, please do.

BTW, England is my favorite place on earth. I've been there 4 times and hope to come visit again soon.

Have a wonderful weekend my new friend.

S said...

Hi Peg,

My 7yo son wants to go in a hot air ballon but after seeing the one that fell I am not so sure now? They do looks so graceful up in the air but dont look so on the floor!

Siobhan :)

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