
Monday, May 11, 2020

A more cheerful post.

Hello again, not so long this time folksšŸ˜„

Last year had its good happenings too, being honest we miss our caravan and seeing the people who had become lovely friends. A few others decided they were going to leave also, there was no animosity against anyone totally the opposite like us they thought it was time to sell on. With both of us under the weather we couldnā€™t have managed it and covid 19 would have put a kibosh on going over this year anyway.

I have even been able to make various style project bags which need to be listed of my page, I have hand dyed more yarn, crocheted more blankets, knit hats, fingerless mitts and shawls. Iā€™ve also managed to finish off some of my quilt tops which had been waiting. Iā€™ve also begun to not feel guilty sitting and knitting/crocheting or sewing during the day when other jobs may need doing. Itā€™s taken a long time for me to feel at ease doing that, no one put any guilt on my shoulders only myself.
The big event for me in 2019 was I attended my first craft fair as a vender šŸ˜„šŸ‘ it took place in our church hall, I was booked for another but had to pull out due to being ill. I was very nervous but was quickly put at  ease by the other venders, there was a very nice atmosphere amongst them.

Two of the quilts were on the background display, the crochet shawls and other quilts were on the left of photo. Some of my hand dyed yarn is on the table at your right, a few bags hanging on the front plus hats, mitts and socks are on the table. She canā€™t be seen very well but Lottie my mannequin on the left is showing off one of a cardigan, shawl and hat I had knit up. To make her feel better she borrowed one of my wigs.šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘.

I was hoping to attend a few more this year but I canā€™t see that happening anytime soon. I do have quite a lot of finished goodies. 

Iā€™ve been working on my long cardigan, itā€™s ā€˜Lovely in Lavenderā€˜ pattern by  Monica Russell. Iā€™ve loved working on it, it is knit side to side, a first for me, you have to cast off stitches across the back for the arm holes and knit the sleeves separate. I finished the rib on the second side and went to put the sleeves in Then I found my mistake arrrrrgggghhh, At the top of the first arm hole there was a few rows of knitting, at the top of the second armhole no knitting! So Iā€™ve taken it back to where I cast off  for the sleeve and will start again to finish the cardigan.   It was the lavender, purple shades that drew me to this and I even managed to find the same shade of yarn, itā€™s really nice yarn to knit with. I bought a few colours in it.

I have had to stop cross stitching altogether I canā€™t hold the 28size needles and I donā€™t like bigger count fabrics. I have sold 98% of my fabric on eBay not a lot left now, I also sold my 2 Lowery stands. I have a lot of Elbessee wooden frames and Snap frames of various sizes, a mountain of threads. DMC, Rainbow Gallery threads, Vicki Clayton silk threads with boxes of Charms, Buttons. There are enough charts to open a shop, embroidery scissors. Itā€™s still going to take a while to list all the remaining stash.

When all the stash is sold then I need to sort out my fabric and yarn stash, I have a lot of my quilting goodies in a summer house, Mr B insulated for me but there is still some in what was my sewing room. I say was my sewing room because when Mr B got worse and I canā€™t get comfortable so donā€™t sleep we decided he would sleep in there so he can get enough rest. I also have some fabric and sewing related items including my gorgeous sewing desk my son made for me in there. I had to lose my cutting table itā€™s in the summerhouse but Iā€™d have to move things to use it. The only other room is his office and he needs that. Yes I need my sewing room also but as Iā€™m in the biggest bedroom in my best bed Iā€™ve ever slept in I go in when I can but canā€™t leave projects out now. Also my large storage unit for my yarn is in there and the rest Iā€™ve got stored in vacuum sealed bags in my wardrobe. My yarn for dyeing is also in containers.  This I suppose is the downside of not owning a large housešŸ¤£ Well Iā€™ve rattled on and on long enough so I do hope some of you will  read this and itā€™s not a waste of time and Iā€™m talking to myself. Iā€™m off now to catch up on your blogs.šŸ˜™


I didnā€™t realise it had been this long!

Wow, Iā€™m ashamed to see how long it is since I last posted! Iā€™ve not visited blogs over this time either which is not like me because I love seeing what everyone is up to. Looking at my previous post health wise not a lot has changed, Neil has really gone through the mill so to speak with his health. He is under a consultant for something that they havenā€™t diagnosed yet, heā€™s had a lot of marks appear on his legs at first we thought they were bruises but theyā€™re not, they havenā€™t come up with a name for it yet he has a cream to apply but theyā€™re increasing not decreasing and appearing on his arms as well. He canā€™t go back to the clinic because of civic-19 so unless his legs drop off he has to cope with it until they start seeing patients again.

He has had a lot of tests and scans for prostate cancer, the problem is his prostate is enlarged over 180% so they canā€™t do biopsies yet so have put him on a medication that decreases it over a period of 6mths. The virus affecting the world at the moment has for him, and 1000ā€™s of others stopped them getting the treatment they need. He has another PSA blood test in a couple of weeks to see how itā€™s all going. Also due to the virus his consultations are via telephone with our dr and the consultant. He usually would rather suffer in silence than tell you how he feels but lately he has been quite ill and the smallest activity tires him out. Heā€™s normally in bed for no later than 10pm and up literally with the lark but this past year a large portion of the day is spent either on the bed during the day and often going to bed by 8-8.30pm.

A while ago we decided to decorate the dining room and lounge, all the ingredients were gathered but with his health declining it has to wait, the stay away from others and no visiting have made this less embarrassing only we can see it. For both rooms the new curtains, new  rug and other finishing off items are stored.

I have been discharged from the breast clinic as clear now says she mentally jumping for joy. I have had another mammogram which came back clear so only need them every 3 yrs now yeahhhhhhšŸ‘ I
donā€™t know any woman who wouldnā€™t celebrate not having to have them.

 I found a large lump on the side of my neck it was painful and I felt really rough and very tired so Neil insisted I go to the drs and came with me. A blood test confirmed my ESR results were very high and others confirmed rheumatoid arthritis and an infection in my lymphatic system. On top of the other problems itā€™s  something I could do without but Iā€™m coping. The medication given was Prednisalone but after reading the side effects Iā€™ve opted not to take them they can cause a lot of mentally associated problems which for me is a no no. After my daughter was born I had post natal depression needing a lot of treatment some very unpleasant. Over time I have grown a lot stronger mentally and refuse to go to that dark valley again, so theyā€™re keeping an eye on how I go on. I thought my dr would be cross but she is supporting me. Of course the pandemic has altered so much for everyone, all consultations are done over the phone at this time.

Iā€™m closing this post now and will continue with a more upbeat and happier postšŸ‘šŸ˜ŠšŸ’•šŸ’•

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sorry for my absence!

Firstly a big thank you to the faithful who have still visited my blog whilst Iā€™ve been absent I very much appreciate your visits. Since my last post a lot has happened, I had another cancer scare this year, however after tests, ultrasounds and MRIā€™s the large lump was found to be benign thank the Good Lord. Also if my yearly mammogram in December comes back clear I can consider myself cancer free and donā€™t need to see my oncologist again.
 Mr B has had several health problems which theyā€™re currently investigating, with all the appointments and illnesses weā€™ve had this year we havenā€™t been to our holiday home very much. We have thought long and hard and have decided that this will be the last year weā€™ll have there.

 Although we keep a lot there we still have to pack things we need for the time we are there then unpack the other end and do it all again then repeat when we come home, itā€™s tiring. We only have 3 fur babies now, Nemo who bless him has problems with his back and legs, Livvy who is blind, deaf and is senile. In October 2yrs ago she was only given a couple of weeks to live but she defied all the vets and is still with us. At home she spends all day in the sunroom which she loves, her health has deteriorated but thankfully not enough to make the awful decision. Iā€™m hoping she will slip away in her sleep as Megan did.
No 3 is our little Tilly Trotter who my daughter adopted along with Cassie her other Lhasa girl in 2011. Sadly Cassie passed away earlier this year at the grand age of 17 and Tilly got stressed being on her own when they were at work so she came to us. Sheā€™s a very loving and comical sweetheart, the only downside is she doesnā€™t like travelling in the car. Our get away is only 2.1/2hrs from home but Iā€™m the only driver and have to stop halfway for a rest and to give Tilly a break.  It will be upsetting to sell up but we have so many wonderful memories to think back on. I think the funniest one will be Mr B on my mobility scooter having a race around the lake with our 3yr old great grandson Kian on
his scooter. Kian won soooo very funny.

When I was involved with the rescue I sadly lost my crossstitch mojo, life was very busy with my own 8 dogs plus 2-3 fosters usually. When I finished through Iā€™ll health I went back to my knitting, crochet and took up Quilting, I enjoy all three.
When Mr B was still working I bought a lot of xstitch fabric, threads etc, yarn and fabric for sewing and quilting. My thoughts were that I may not have the funds later so stocked up, unfortunately I stocked up that well I need to destash big time šŸ˜Š. Whilst going through my xstitch goodies I found several wips, Iā€™m sure you know whatā€™s coming next lol. I decided to stitch again on my Celtic Noel and Celtic Spring to finish them and have kitted up Summer and winter.
Iā€™ve had to go up a couple of needle sizes I canā€™t hold my preferred small 28 size now, I donā€™t mind Iā€™m enjoying what Iā€™m doing. I will still sell some things off because thereā€™s more than enough to last my lifetime and no one else in the family crafts and I want to make sure they will go to someone who appreciates them.
I sold one of my Lowery stands to a lovely lady who will enjoy using it.

Although Iā€™ve made several quilts, crochet blankets and project bags itā€™s only made a tiny dent in my fabric/yarn stash! Well thatā€™s it for now, Iā€™ll post pictures next time and hopefully keep up with regular updates. Enjoy your day, evening wherever you are.

Peg xx

Monday, August 1, 2016

Another beautiful day

.It's gorgeous here, I'm home, the washing needed doing and I needed to see the dr. Most of the washing was dried outside yesterday, the first of today's is on the line I don't think it will take long to dry, it can then be put back in the cases ready to take back to the van.

Mr B wasn't feeling to well on Friday, he slept for just over 3 hrs in the chair woke up, and went to bed about 8pmish he slept again until about 6am so I think he was over tired. He's been working quite a bit in the garden, in the sun, he can normally take it being dark haired, well he's grey now. Perhaps he spent to long in it.

My Cupcake stripe blanket is coming along nicely it's about 3' long now, I can't show a photo it's back at the van but I'll be getting back to it when I'm there. I've made a large wool basket that I've also forgot to take a photo of but its not quite finished yet. Whilst at home I've pushed my crocheting boundaries a little further, I searched YouTube for tutorials and found this
As you can see this version  is made by Tasha at Of Crochet & Life blog, I love her colours, pop over to her blog you won't be disappointed.

This is my effort, this is as far as the video takes you, as its my first go I'm using an odd ball of wool find in my stash with a size 4 hook. When I master it I'm going to try a finer wool.

I followed the YouTube tutorial by Bellacoco, she is brilliant, unfortunately I couldn't go any further.....this was where her video and others end but I couldn't figure out how to carry on. My brain which is foggy most days went on a real pea souper and I couldn't carry on. After a frantic message to my lovely friend Heather of Sewthis'n'that she's coming tomorrow to lead me through the darkness of a crochet pattern lol. She's amazingly talented and I'm really looking forward to having a catch up with her.

It looks like Missy will have to have a visit to her least favourite place, the vets, she's driving herself and me crazy with scratching, I keep them up to date with flea treatment and know she doesn't have visitors. Last time they gave her a steroid shot and medication and it soon calmed down, bless her I'm trying to see if it's a food she's allergic to, I can see we're going to end up with tests to see what it is that's irritating her. 

Well the Drs appointment has drawn near so I'll be back when Heather has been to share more progress.

Enjoy the sunshine

Peg x

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Monday

Hello Ladies, well haven't we been blessed with beautiful weather? Being fair skinned I have to be careful, I don't go the lovely brown Mr. B does I can give lobsters a run for their money in the bright red stakes. If I'm daft enough to ignore common sense I then suffer sore, painful burning which progresses to peeling. So although I like to see the good weather it's done from under the umbrella which is over the outside table. We've been really lucky in that there has been a refreshing breeze accompanying the sunshine. Apart from coming in for a scrumptious roast beef lunch cooked by Mr B I've sat outside under the umbrella crocheting my latest blanket. I did make another Granny blanket that was finished on Friday. The border does lay flat when it's put on a flat surface.
This is was made with Stylecraft Special DK in various colours with a 4 row border plus a scalloped  stitch finishing edge. The cream borders makes the other colours 'pop'.

Yesterday, Saturday, I started another blanket, I decided to use the Cupcake blanket pattern by Lucy at Attic24 blog but using pale cream on the treble rows and various colours on the treble cluster rows  instead of her variation of colours.

This is the blanket earlier today with 16 rows completed, the basket is one I made quite some time ago.

The colours I'm using for the stripes, the repeating alternative stripe is of course cream. I have completed more stripes as you can see. I've put it away for now my hands are hurting and need a rest.

The doglets have needed cooling off several times today bless them, they've had several spritzing with cool water, which they don't mind, I also kept their bandanas wet with cold water. 

We've come inside now, I thought it was going to rain but the wind appears to have blown the rain clouds over. It has cooled down nicely now though. 

Right, now I'm going to have a cuppa and a dish of refreshing mixed salad.

Enjoy your day


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

More like September!

Well I think the weather has decided we've had enough summer, it's not exactly cold but it is very windy and overcast.

All's well here, we went to my cousins evening wedding reception on Saturday and had a great time catching up with cousins, Aunts and Uncles, a great night was had by all, we came home pleasantly tired, Sunday we came back here to our hideaway, I get very tired driving nowadays so today will be a chill day and a hooky day. I have another granny square blanket on the go that I'm hoping to finish and have some granny squares I want to join up into a blanket. I also have some quilt as you go blocks that need putting together I've brought the backing fabric from home and hope to get that done this week.

Here's what I was doing last week before we went home, this is  small blanket, I made the squares a long time ago so decided to put them together and made the border with a variegated blue and cream wool. 
This is a large granny square blanket I made using wool that was given free with a crochet magazine, I ran out but found a seller on eBay who was selling the wool at a reasonable price.
Lastly, I enjoyed making my ripple blanket designed by Lucy at Attic24 blog but decided I wanted to use more pastel colours. This was worked in Stylecrafts special DK, I love working with this wool, the best thing is I've found a local supplier here who sells Stylecraft so will replace what I've used on this. It will save on postage. Last week I bought some 500gm balls in cream and muted pink for another blanket I have planned

A few years ago I didn't have a clue how to crochet but watching YouTube and reading blog tutorials I have been able to grasp how it should be done. A huge thank you to those ladies who share their skills freely. The soldier you see in the background is a biscuit pot but Mr B uses it for his chocolate stash lol, I'm not a big fan of chocolate except I like drinking chocolate, so he gets to eat it all himself. I prefer sweets, it's nice and peaceful here, Mr B is quietly snoring away, my 4 legged babies snoring away too so I have it in Dolby surround sound lol.

We will be going into town later or tomorrow, last year Mr B bought me a ladies 3 wheel bike so I could get around without the car, I did enjoy it but sadly as my hips have worsened I can no longer use it so I sold it to one of the fishermen on here who uses it to take his fishing tackle to the lake for a days fishing. It has a basket on the front and a large basket for shopping etc on the back. He's near the fields so it saves him having to make several journeys to carry his fishing tackle. When his daughter visits she uses it to do the big shop in town for them.

I have a Mercury Prism small scooter down here but I can't use it to ride along the sea front with Mr B, it will get me to town and back but any shopping adds weight and I'm always concerned it will run out before I get home so I'm going to buy the next mobility scooter up which is the shop rider scooter. It has a range of approximately 15-20 miles on a full charge. I still have my large one at home which will do 35 miles on a full charge but it's to big to bring in the car and it won't fit into the storage shed so I keep that for home. Nipping up to town etc can be quite expensive so leaving the car and using the scooter will save some money and they are so popular over here because it's so flat. There's not only disabled people use them able bodied do also because it saves looking for parking especially in the holiday season and it saves on fuel. There are some great sights, one chap has one of the newer ones which has 3 wheels and handle bars, he has a box on the back where his two Border terriers sit their little heads just above his lol. My dogs will happily ride on the foot plate between my feet and when I had a little Pug girl on foster she used to ride in the front basket. 

Well it's back to my hooking, have a great day


Peg xx

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Year Gone By......

Oh my goodness I didn't realise it was so long since I wrote on my blog, to anyone whose continued to check on my page thank you and I apologise for being absent so long.

Briefly on the health front I continued to have problems then in December last year I had a mammogram which caused concern. It showed a mass again and an isolated lump so I was recalled to have scans and biopsies, however I'm really grateful to say they proved to be scar tissue and a blood clot. I take aspirin daily so they said this will break the clot up and it has, the first time I was pleased to hear I'd got a blood clot :) I didn't need to see them again until May this year unless there were problems.

The only problem I've had is a lot of pain under my arm and on my side due to them cutting the nerves when they removed the affected lymphnodes, it could go on for years but as long as it's not the cancer back I'll put up with it. When I went in May they were pleased with my progress and I don't need to go again until my mammogram in December and if alls well I'll not see them until  May 2017 for the annual check up. Big sigh of relief, 

Mr B had to take full retirement last year due to his health, he was hoping to carry on until July this year which would have given him 40 yrs at the school, from when it was first built and he was the last original member of staff. His health is improving well now, I think retiring suits him well, he really disliked being off work. He's more chilled now, the new headmaster (only there 3yrs) had upset a lot of staff who felt they couldn't work with him anymore. This year is the first time in all the years it's been open that they didn't get a good Ofsted result which I honestly think I'd down to the moral of the teachers it isn't good working in that atmosphere.

We've been able to spend more time here at our hideaway, the site opened second week of March and we came down. I've been home several times to check on the house, had Drs appointments and to check on the post, I spend a few days there then come back. Mr. B stays here to look after his garden, he's has a small greenhouse here with his toms and cucumbers in and has other veg in the garden and pots so they need looking after. We've been sat on the veranda in the sunshine, well I sit under the umbrella I burn otherwise. It's now absolutely throwing it down with rain, mind you it will save him having to water his plants :).

On the craft front I've made some lap quilts, I have about 8 that need backing and finishing, I've also made several crochet blankets and have brought a large amount of my wool stash here instead of buying more. I enjoy working with Stylecraft wool and a local warehouse has started selling it so I have to admit I have bought some.

Well I think that's all for now, I'll put photos on of my latest makes in my next post.

Thank you for visiting 

Peg X

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Very Cold Start To 2015

Gosh it's so cold here and I know we are having mild temps compared to others but when I put the heating on it must be cold I normally have windows open!

2015 hasn't got off to a good start for the B household, Mr B was still having tests done and then had a severe chest infection which has kept him off work for 3 wks. He was due to start back on Monday 26th unfortunately he took ill over the weekend with stomach pains, Monday night he got no sleep due to the pain I called the dr's first thing and to cut it short the dr sent him straight to the hospital. I was ill so couldn't go with him but my daughter went with him. It resulted in him having emergency surgery after a CT scan which showed he had a problem with his appendix and a hernia. They were going to do keyhole surgery but unfortunately when they went in the appendix had burst and he had a lot of bacteria they said bluntly it was a mess so they had to do open surgery. He was on drips and morphine and not very well yesterday and asked if we could let him sleep. I've kept in touch with the hospital but today he isn't up to visitors at all, the surgeon came out to him late last night and they have put a tube down his throat to try and drain his stomach. They're very concerned he doesn't start vomiting or gets more infections.
It's very hard knowing how ill he is and not being able to help him it's killing me. I rang about 30 minutes ago and there's still no improvement. Bless him he was supposed to be going to Glen Coe in Scotland on a climbing/walking holiday with the usual misfits  climbing buddies on the 7th February but that is out now for him. He'll be off work for probably another 3-6wks when he comes home.

Life this year really sucks, I had my first post op mammogram 3 wks ago, I haven't felt well so it came at no surprise when they wrote and told me something has been found on the mammogram and they need to investigate further. I don't know right now whether its the same breast or the other one. I couldn't tell Mr B or my daughter and kept it to myself for a week but in the end I had to so they can come with me to the appointment I have next Thursday 29th. Again I have been told to expect to be there a couple of hours or more to undergo biopsies and other tests. Of course Mr B won't be feeling up to coming but my daughter will accompany me, apart from needing someone there for support I need someone who can hear fully what they're saying simply because I'm partially deaf. The last few days have taken my mind off it but it was awful to see their faces when I showed them the letter. I will fight whatever happens and hopefully kick cancers ***. I have a good family who will rally round and support me, I did think well at least this time we'll be travelling in better weather when I go for treatment and then the snow came. But if they operate the other treatment wont start for about 6wks so the weather will be better then, It's just over an hrs drive there and again back but it's a busy place so there are traffic jams and you need to set off early.

I have finished the quilt I mentioned last post, I stitched in the ditch and did serpent stitch enlarged on the borders which looks effective. I backed it with a lovely country cottage type print and the binding is brown with small daisies on it.It's just over lap size. I've still got plenty of tops to quilt yet so shouldn't really make anymore until they're done.

I've just been reading a blog I visit she's a lovely lady called Pam who's blog is here I so enjoy visiting her, She makes beautiful quilts, crochet and other sewing items, she has written that she's purchased a Little Gracie quilting frame for her quilting naturally. Well I purchased said frame in 2013 but cancer got in the way of me using it and mine is still in it's packaging. I'm really looking forward to seeing Pam's post on it knowing her it will be up and have a quilt on it half finished before the end of the week lol.

Well I think that's all for now, take care lovely people, enjoy whatever crafts make you happy

hugs Peg xxxx

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