The past few weeks haven't been great, no not with my health but with my little ones. My little Megan who I adored had been unwell and under the vet for a while, we knew we didn't have her for much longer but I wanted her last days to be calm, filled with love and no stress. Even though some ex puppy farm dogs make great headway Megan, although she could be cheeky at times, never lost her fear of strangers, sudden noises and any changes. I loved all my dogs but Megan held a special place in my heart and always will we were very rarely apart only when absolutely necessary. She passed away peacefully in her sleep on July 1st, I had prayed her leaving would be this way and not a vet visit, she would have panicked so much she didn't like anyone holding her feet or legs it was to much of an awful reminder of what she'd had to endure when used as a breeding machine. It didn't lessen the pain of her leaving, it was devastating, it hurt much more and knocked me sideways far more than my cancer diagnosis.
I miss her so much, her odd little ways, her beautiful bright eyes which once they'd been treated changed to bright sparkling jet coloured jewels. She brought so much laughter and love into my life, this photo was taken just a week before she fell asleep. She was such a pretty little girl with her Queen Anne legs, just minutes after taking this she told me off for not getting her down quick enough :)
I have her ashes I can't let her go, I still wait for her barking at me when I go to open the front door to go to the recycle bin, she never barked when anyone came always when they left. I miss her running into the living room when she'd been outside, she'd run around the room almost skipping then roll on her back riddling about. She'd do the typical Shiddie play bow and jump about on all four paws in front of Nemo trying to get him to play with her, he just looked at her as if she'd finally lost the plot. I think he like us knew if he'd gone to play she would have legged it behind me lol.
She didn't like it if she thought she was alone, if I was out of sight these past months she panicked. The thought of scattering her ashes and leaving her is to raw at the moment, until the time is right, if it ever comes, she will stay here with her Mum.

Here she is with Livvy, next to her, and Nemo on her last visit to the van, she couldn't walk far in her last few weeks before she had to be carried but she still got her walks around the lake in her Dad's arms. I recently sold all my dog grooming equipment to my lovely friend Jayne who owns her own grooming salon. I can keep them tidy with brushing but not a full bath and groom any more. Mr B is turning my grooming room into a place to store my fabric, today after some boxes were moved I was sweeping the floor and found some hair that had gone behind them. It hurt, the hair was Megan's from her last groom, I have her lead, collar, harness and little Diva t shirt and now her hair will go into the box with them. I know some may think it silly or over the top but she was one very special little girl and I loved her and miss her, Livvy misses having her snuggled up beside her and still lays on one side of the dog bed they shared instead of in the middle.
Bless her, Livvy is such a good hearted girl, I can't look at her without smiling, she's like a big teddy bear and gives amazing snuggles. Thankfully she's a very healthy girl full of beans and fun, she has very little sight but you wouldn't know it watching her out walking. I have her on an extending lead, every so often when she's not sure where I am she will stop and cock her head listening for me I just call her name and she moves towards me. We don't move furniture around and she's got it all sussed where everything is and she still loves her rough and tumble with Nemo, it's like the clash of the Titans :). Both have gone through a lot these past months and he was depressed for a while but is slowly coming back to his old self. He's taken on Megan job of telling me it's time for their dinner but as he has a really deep bark it gets my attention quicker.

On a happier note I have finally managed to get back to and enjoy doing some quilting and crochet, as you know there have been some downers on the health side but as I said in my last post things are improving.
I've made the two quilt tops below I need to get some of my tops backed and quilted but it's getting the time to do them
Earlier this year I managed to get a place on a workshop held at Quiltessensials in Cromford near Matlock Bath. It's very rare to have one where I could travel to so jumped at the chance. It was run by Lynne, a lovely lady who designs, writes quilting books and has a great blog
Lynnes blog she's so easy to get on with and has the patience of a saint. The workshop was making a Union Jack pillow, Lynne also has a quilt made from them which I intend to make one day. The pillow front is paper pieced, my first effort, I wasn't able to finish it on the day but her tuition was great and I finished it a while after. I'm so pleased with it.
Lynne's book
This is my finished pillow I used fabric similar to my bedding.
Here's a close up
We've been at our bolthole for the past few days and will be going again on Wednesday for a few weeks, my grandson is coming to house sit, he loves my bed, its nearer to where he works too. I've got a break in treatment until September. I'm well prepared sewing wise, I spent last week cutting out kits for the quilts I want to make, I've found a lovely little quilt shop in Louth called The Little Fabric Shop, run and owned by Helen. It's a pleasure to visit and have a chat, my purchases the other day were these few fat quarters, 2 Jelly Rolls and 2 background fabrics, the books are mine I have several of Pam and Nickys books I love them they're so easy to follow. I cut the fabric for the one on the front book on Saturday it's called Jitter bug.

You know we quilters like other crafters always seem to end up with rather a lot of fabric or whatever we use in the craft we do don't we, I was looking for a particular jelly roll last night and found some I'd totally forgotten I had, it was a lovely feeling :)
Well I think I'll leave it at that for now, I've got more photos to share but will do that next time. Wherever you are and what ever craft makes you happy enjoy your day.
hugs Peg x