Monday, December 25, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Yeeaahhhh she's done it!!

Well that's it for now, I'm off to have something to eat, enjoy your evening and if you need to travel please do be careful. Please spare a thought for my SIL in this pic, he works for Green Flag rescue and is on call tonight after a full day at work.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
A world of wonder

For the past couple of hours I've been surfing through other blogs and I've spent a great time in a world of wonder! I have found some amazing new ones, some I came across are lovers of all things vintage and it was so wonderful being transported to past times. Some of these ladies are young enough to be my daughters and I'm not that old but seeing things from the past I thought were lost has been so pleasurable, thank you ladies for sharing. I will add them to blogs I like to visit later so you also may share in the pleasure too.
I'm dreading tomorrow, I'm going shopping with my daughter, I really do hate it at this time of year. Everyone panic buys, the shops are only closed for 1 day and nothing in them is going out of style I find it too stressing and will probably come home with a huge headache.
Two of our little munchkins are going to love me this Friday, Megan and Paddington are booked in for a bath and haircut, they're both good but neither like their beards or legs being done.
Zebedee will be going Saturday.......good luck to them, he hates being combed, having his coat cut and doing his face is like facing Attilla the Hun on a bad day! We may end up having the vet sedate him and letting them cut around his eyes and mouth. I bear the scars of trying to wipe his mouth never mind cut his fur. He hates scissors and he hates the clippers, he's an angry little munchkin in general, people who ill treat these dogs don't just cause them agony whilst they have them but scar them for life. No matter how much we show him he'll never be ill treated again he's a dog and just doesn't understand.
Well I'm off to surf some more of these great blogs, have a great Thursday
hugs Peg
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Our School website

Just trying this out
I've been trying to get myself more technical minded and have enlisted the help of two lovely ladies I've already used the advice of Melissa to enable me to put the banner in the corner of my blog. Also Beth very kindly helped me to make these 'quick' links, thank you ladies for explaining in simple english and making it so easy, you are both real treasures. Plus they both have great blogs folks :o)
hugs Peg
Another new week

I was still suffering with fatique after breakfast but knew if I sat I'd soon be back asleep. I decided to do a little more in my sewing room after I'd done a little tidying. DD had taken my ironing to do for me so I needed to put that away. I changed the bedding and oh boy did I make a hash of it. It took me almost 40 mins to get the fresh duvet cover on, roll on the time when I've made a quilt for the bed.
I had a delivery of two gorgeous fabrics today, one is a dark blue fleece and the other is a tartan fabric. Both are soft and great quality. I'm still awaiting delivery of more fabric, once it's in I can decide which I will use for the bed. I want to make Mums lap quilt out of homespun checks, she's not a flowery fabric person but loves earthy tones.
Thankfully we may see an end to the senseless killing of the young ladies of the night in Ipswich, it's been announced that police have a man in custody. They've named him which is unusual if he's not an almost certain suspect. I know the young girls live a life surrounded by violence and degregation but they are still human and someone's daughter. God doesn't like what they do but He still loves them and His Son died for them too. My heart goes out to the families of these girls.
It was also in the news tonight that 2 people have died of the MRSA bug at the hospital our son Paul was taken to and spent many months in after his accident. I feel for the families of these people too but can't help feeling relieved he isn't still a patient there. He caught the bug whilst in intensive care there and contacted it again at the spinal unit. Whilst he was there and the spinal unit he was isolated in a room of his own and barrier nursing put into operation at all times.
I've found some new blogs today, I love reading about other peoples daily life, does that make me a people person or just plain nosey??
have a good week
hugs Peg
Sunday, December 17, 2006
So much to do so little time!!

I think I may need the help of my fairy friends this week, I'm so tired again and yesterday wasn't to busy really. I think it's a few of my health issues rearing their ugly heads again.
I need to get myself organised but I have neither the energy nor the motivation at the moment. That sounds awful doesn't it but I think honesty is the best policy...lol
During this morning quite a large group of people gathered outside our home, next thing the most beautiful sound of a Christmas carol came across the breeze, it was totally unexpected but so nice. They're from a local church near us, whilst they were singing young ladies went from door to door with baskets of chocolate and leaflets advertising this evenings carol service.
I rang Philly, DIL, earlier to see how they all were and Paul isn't well today, he's having a lot of pain in his back. I know most of this week he's had problems getting up and about with being so stiff, at the moment it's 2 steps forward and 1 step back. The physio was pleased with him on Tuesday though he's able to lift his arm to 120% now which is a vast improvement. Like all Mums it breaks my heart to see him in pain and I want to take it away from him.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Only 9 more days to Christmas!

Last Saturday evening we went out for a meal as I said we would. We had a great time with friends and the whole evening was relaxing. The meal was everything you'd want it to be and the company was just as good. I think I over did it a little though, I spent Sunday and Monday sleeping the days and nights away. I felt exhausted, the little munchkins kept trying to poke me whilst I slept but even their comical antics couldn't get me going. Zebedee thought it most amusing to 'steal' my slippers each time I took them off. He's not one to argue with either as I have proved many times. Megan rushes to my defence each time like a warrior princess!