Hello to you all my special friends, I hope you enjoyed your Christmas break and were able to spend the time with relatives and friends.
It has been a while since I last posted or read any blogs. I do have a good excuse, I unfortunately have had some health problems but also for the past few weeks I have been settling in our 'new girl'. The above pic is of her on her first night here. She's a gorgeous little black/white Shih Tzu called Tilly, Fionna who runs the same rescue we adopted Zebedee from contacted me a short time after we have lost Deeber.
Her owners had handed her in because she had snapped at them when the lady had rolled over on her.......not being rude but I too would snap if someone rolled over onto me! She had a slight eye infection when she arrived and to say I was a complete stranger she was very tolerant of me bathing and putting drops in to say they had descibed her as a 'killer' Shiddie!
When she first came we had a few skirmishes mainly her & Georgia, it was usually kicked off when food was around and Tilly considered she should be top dog. Georgia didn't run and hide or back down like the others and would defend herself resulting in well I suppose the dog equivelant of a catfight.
They do get on better now and are becoming firm friends who cause chaos when playing, it can get a little raucous so I have to call time out occasionally to calm them down. She is a delight to have, should you wish to see some more pics of her just click on Tilly I will be uploading more in the next few days.
I haven't been able to do any stitching at all over the Christmas period, just before I tripped and broke my bifocals and had to wear an old pair which are only sight specs. I'm pleased to say the optician rang today to say they were mended and ready for pick up, I go on Saturday for a new eye test as my sight has deteriorated since the last test I had.
I have enjoyed playing on my laptop which was a Christmas present from Neil, I'm loving it, he couldn't have bought me anything better. Now my sister has her computer it's great because we can keep in touch more, she's getting to grips with it now and beginning to enjoy herself. The next thing is to introduce her to blogging :o) She would love reading all your lovely blogs and writing her own, she has one of the funniest dogs I've ever met, Reo,a Dog De Bordeaux, who always reminds us of Disneys Goofey. She has a wealth of funny stories to keep you entertained.
My craft room is sadly looking totally neglected and untidy, I haven't had the energy to clean up in there and I've just put things inside the door instead of putting them away......I'll slap my wrists with wet floss when I've finished my update! I do feel a lot better now my infection is clearing but it's upset my menieres so bending over is a no no as I fall down! Each evening I say I will start tomorrow but it hasn't happened yet.
I've really missed you guys, I love to visit you catching up on what's been happening in your lives. I hope to catch up on all your news soon,what new projects you've created, how are your families doing.
I did want to make a resolution to keep on top of things this year but am going to take one day at a time and hope to keep my promise to myself.
Take care and may 2008 be especially good to you and your families and may your creative juices flow.
with hugs to you all
Peg xx